Senior Living Planning

Our Decision Guide is designed to help answer questions you may have when considering a move to a senior living community. It is also intended to help you communicate openly with your family and friends. The questions and information below provide a useful way to affirm your decision and to begin discussions with others about your future plans.

 I feel like I will be giving up my independence if I move to a Retirement Community.

This is a very common thought as seniors start to consider their retirement options.  Living in a community actually promotes one’s independence by offering services that allow you to save your energy for more enjoyable things.  Imagine having your own chef, housekeeper and personal trainer, plus access to all of the other fine amenities available.  Community amenities are designed to take the pressure off of you and allow much more time for hobbies, interests and new friends.  Residents have actually said they feel more independent after moving to the community than they did in their own homes because they are free to enjoy life. Continue reading Independent Living Decision Guide

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Our Decision Guide is designed to help you make good decisions for your future or that of a loved one. There are many factors to consider — financial security, ongoing healthcare, and overall safety and well-being. Our guide offers many answers, however as you go through this process please feel free to contact us anytime should you require more information.

Assisted Living Concerns

Often adult children are suddenly required to make living arrangements for their parents that include moving to safer surroundings. Helping loved ones make good decisions about their future can often be stressful and at times even overwhelming. We understand and have gathered the following information to help you make the best decision and assist you through the process. We offer information and answer several key questions that are often asked, and hope this will help you create a plan that makes sense for you and your loved one.

What is Assisted Living?

Our assisted living apartments combine easy to maintain housing and personal care in a beautiful residential setting. Trained staff is available 24 hours a day to provide support for those who need assistance with daily activities such as bathing, dressing and medications, but do not yet require complex medical services. Residents enjoy delicious, freshly-prepared noon and evening meals each day and a variety of snacks. The private assisted living apartments feature a living room, bedroom, a private bathroom with walk-in shower, and a kitchenette with an apartment-size refrigerator and microwave for quick and easy preparation of meals and snacks. Assisted living apartments share spacious common areas that include a living room, dining room and activity spaces. Assisted Living residents also enjoy the many on-campus amenities that are available.

How do I know when it’s time for Assisted Living?

Safety first! If the home or current living situation is cause for concern, it’s time to consider a change and assisted living may be the answer. Signs you should watch for that indicate a change is needed are: personal hygiene changes, clothes worn repeatedly or not laundered, confusion with medications, poor nutrition, reoccurring falls, isolation and/or forgetfulness. If you have noticed any of these symptoms consider moving your loved one to a community where they can receive the services and benefits of specialized care and you have peace of mind. Before moving to assisted living, residents are given a full comprehensive nursing assessment to determine the level of care needed, this will also provide pertinent information to help guide needed decisions.

Continuing Care Retirement Community

As a CCRC, we feature several levels of care and living services.  Residents in our rehabilitation area have the convenience of moving from their rehab stay directly to our assisted living, should they require that level of care. The transition is quick, easy and relaxed because residents and family are in familiar surroundings and much of the paperwork is already in place.

What about Memory Care?

For seniors with memory concerns, we memory care. This area of the community serves those with Alzheimer’s or other cognitive impairments. They have private apartments with their own private bathroom.

How do I approach my loved one about moving to Assisted Living?

Often when adult children contact us, it’s after or during a healthcare crisis, hospital stay, during a rehab stay or a drastic health decline. In this situation you can rely on healthcare professionals to recommend the best setting for your family member. They have the ability to properly assess and help determine what the needs really are. The decision for the health and safety of your loved one should, of course, take precedence over the desire to return to the home of 50 years with all the memories and the multiple, unused, china sets. The recommendation and the expression of your own concern for their safety and well-being will set your family on the right course. After a decision is made family members find a sense of relief and can return to being the son or the daughter, rather than being the caretaker who is overwhelmed. Assisted Living offers residents opportunity to remain as independent as possible while enjoying the security of 24-hour assistance if needed.

Avoiding a Crisis – It’s important to know you don’t need to wait for a crisis or accident to consider a move to Assisted Living. Many residents and families tour our community and learn about the program and see apartments long before any kind of health issue arises. Once they see our assisted living wing and meet the happy residents their concerns are put aside and they welcome the change. Making the transition under these conditions is more desirable and less stressful than having to react to an emergency situation.

I want peace of mind knowing my loved one is safe and secure.

We provide around-the-clock services and observation. This means you can be assured our staff is there to support your loved one and keep you informed. For each new resident we create an individualized care plan that monitors their well-being, and if changes do occur we are able to adapt and make certain they are attended to immediately and appropriately.

Personal care in assisted living typically includes:
  • Staff available to respond to both scheduled and unscheduled needs
  • Assistance with eating, bathing, dressing, toileting, and walking
  • Access to health and medical services, such as physical therapy and hospice
  • Emergency call systems for each resident’s apartment plus a personal pendant
  • Medication management
  • Care for residents with cognitive impairment
  • Social services and Pastoral care

The majority of senior communities charge month-to-month rates.  Several of the primary factors that determine rates are apartment size and level of care or service needed by the resident. When looking at options it’s important to know what you are getting for your dollar.

Assisted living provides the opportunity for continued socialization and activities, balanced nutrition, and the peace of mind that assistance is always nearby. The basic monthly assisted living rate includes a majority of personal services and meals. Learn more about payment options by visiting our Financial Information page.

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Life changes associated with aging can lead seniors to experience social isolation and loss of purpose. The two are often closely connected. Retirement, losing a spouse, adult children moving away, and lack of independent transportation all contribute to a shrinking social sphere, making it more difficult to interact regularly with other people.

It’s not without consequences. Socially-isolated seniors tend to have higher healthcare expenses and a shorter lifespan compared to those who are more socially connected. They have an increased risk for chronic disease, including high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, cognitive decline, and Alzheimer’s. And they are more prone to mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.

On the flipside, seniors who remain socially connected tend to live longer, report better mood, and have better health outcomes when they are admitted to the hospital. Having purpose likewise helps seniors maintain cognitive function and other markers of wellbeing, such as good sleep and lower risk of disease.

It’s clear: engaging in meaningful, productive activities with other people is beneficial for your physical and mental health. One way to maintain these connections in old age, especially if family lives out of state, is to get involved with your local community.

Here are five ways seniors can get involved in the community:

  1. Sign up for an exercise class — Fitness classes kill two birds with one stone. You get the physical benefits of exercise with the emotional benefits of social interaction. Choose a fitness class that suits your activity level. Talk to the wellness coordinator at your senior living community if you need help finding the right fit.
  2. Attend church services — Staying active in a religious community can be immensely beneficial for body, mind, and spirit. Not only that, but Sunday services ensure that you have at least one scheduled social outing every week. If you’re currently a member of a church, keep attending if possible. If transportation options or mobility challenges prevent you from keeping up with your usual congregation, attend services in your senior living community.
  3. Volunteer — There’s no better way to find purpose and feel useful than through volunteering. Volunteering allows you to be active, to interact with people of all ages, and to make positive contributions to your community. Consider volunteering at local schools, hospitals, or the library.
  4. Join a hobby group — Shared interests are a great way to bond at any age. Connect with the activity coordinator in your community to learn about groups that might align with your hobbies. Most senior living communities will have book clubs, bridge clubs, and bible studies where you’ll find like-minded residents to socialize with.
  5. Take a class — Many studies have shown that a commitment to lifelong learning supports cognitive wellness and may help ward off the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. Keep in mind that learning doesn’t have to mean textbooks and classrooms. You could take a cooking class, learn to play a new musical instrument, or take a creative writing course—perhaps writing some personal non-fiction to pass your memories down to your children.

Aim to schedule at least two or three recurring weekly activities—like church on Sunday mornings and a book club that meets on Wednesday afternoons—so that you always have a social event to look forward to. Each week, fill in your calendar with more spontaneous outings, like coffees or lunches with friends. It doesn’t matter what activities you decide to get involved with. The important thing is making it a regular part of your life.

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When you or a loved one is planning to move to a senior living community, there are a lot of factors that go into your decision. From financial planning and personal preferences to health and wellness needs, this decision can feel stressful.

Let us walk you through five very important items to go over in order to get yourself or a loved one ready to move into a senior community.

  1. Community Decision: Look into communities that you or your loved one would feel most at home. If you’re located in Iowa, Colorado, Minnesota, South Dakota, Wisconsin or Nebraska, maybe American Baptist Homes is the place for you. Our goal is to promote an active, engaged and independent lifestyle amongst residents, ensuring that their safety and comfort is top of mind. Check out our communities here!

See Our Communities Here

  1. Financial Information: At ABHM, we are always open and honest about our financials with you. See more about how your money will be used here at ABHM. Read more about our financial information below.

See Financial Information Here

  1. Services Needed: It’s vital to talk to you or your loved one’s doctor and see what type of senior living community you or they would need. Whether it’s an independent living community or if an assisted living community is necessary, it will help to know this before you move.

See Living Decision Guides Here

  1. Personal Preferences: All communities are different. It’s always a good idea to look into a community’s mission statement and make sure it aligns with your personal preferences, goals and needs.

Read Our Mission Statement

  1. Downsizing Tips: One of the hardest parts of moving for a senior sometimes, is the idea of downsizing and getting rid of some of their items—it’s an emotional process. Parting with some seemingly unimportant items can be hard. Learn more on how to help your loved one downsize below.

The Lowdown on Downsizing

At American Baptist Homes of the Midwest, we want your move to a senior living community to be as seamless and simple as possible. We are here for you. We have been providing senior healthcare services throughout our Midwest senior living communities for over 85 years.

If you’re interested in learning more about one of our many senior living communities and the lifestyle services and care provided, please contact us at 952-941-3175.

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Downsizing before moving to senior living

There are many reasons why people often choose to downsize in retirement. Maybe after the kids are out of the house, they just don’t want to continue with the upkeep of a larger home. Maybe their health situation has changed and housekeeping is more difficult than it once was. Or maybe they’re moving to a senior living community and need to reduce the amount of possessions they bring with them.

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Our Decision Guide is designed to help you make good decisions for your future or that of a loved one. There are many factors to consider — financial security, ongoing healthcare, and overall safety and well-being. Our guide offers many answers, however as you go through this process please feel free to contact us anytime should you require more information.

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